The Open Method of Coordination
Adriana ANGHEL
Abstract. An important issue that has sparked some controversy is the European governance, which today is part of a genuine acquis of modernity. The premise from which we started in this approach is that this new method is a new trend of European governance. This method promises from the beginning more efficiency and coherence in European governance policies. From all analyzed in this paper we will observe the main characteristics of the OMC, its evolution over time, the perspectives made possible by the 2020 Strategy, but also what meant implementing this method in Romania and the benefits from accession policies generated by the Open Method of Coordination. Also in this work it is important the analysis of advantages and disadvantages involved in this method, which will be done by highlighting some strengths and some weaknesses.
Keywords: European Governance, European social policy, social inclusion, participation, employment
Multilevel Governance and Principle of Subsidiarity in the European Union
Elena Mihaela LIGHIAN
Abstract. Due to European Union enlargement and its power development over time, member states learned to restrict their own sovereignty in the favour of the Union. Therefore, I believe it is necessary to discuss about multi-level governance within Union; governance that can be achieved by correct application of the principle of subsidiarity, as is mentioned in Lisbon Treaty, together with principle of proportionality. Moreover, my purpose is to present also the principle of subsidiarity impact within a EU member state, Spain, where is realized multi-level governance.
Keywords: Multi Level Governance, the Committee of Regions, subsidiarity, the Treaty of Lisbon, Spain
Aspects of European Citizenship
Anca-Maria LILEA
Abstract. Since 1992 national citizenship is not the only one that can provide a legal status and rights: the new concept of European citizenship was born. In the twenty years so far, although the idea of European citizenship took shape and substance, doubts about how to translate this concept did not completely disappeared, especially in the new Member States of the European Union. This paper aims to analyze the meaning of the European citizenship, focusing on its impact on national citizenship and the idea of nationality, in the context of European integration. So, firstly, I will define this citizenship, together with the essential requirements that complete it. The second issue discussed is the lack of correlation between European citizenship and nationality and the attempt to develop a collective identity for an active involvement of the Europeans in the European integration process. The last part includes the limits and the effects of European citizenship in terms of interdependencies between Member States.
Keywords: European citizenship, national citizenship, European integration, rights, nationality
The influence of Lobbying on EU Democracy
Abstract. The present article deals with the issue of lobbying in the European Union and how this activity affects EU democracy. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate/show that European lobby has a positive impact on European Union democracy, purpose that will be achieved through making a lobby overview which will include it’s main characteristics and features. This paper also aims to define the notion of democracy specific to European Union, trying next to link this two concepts, democracy and lobby, in order to highlight three aspects: the role that lobbying plays, the link created between lobby and democracy and the positive impact of lobby on EU decision-making process and on EU democracy as such.
The interest in considering and analyzing this subject derives from both timeliness and from the fact that is a very controversial topic. Regarding the first issue, the EU growing competences and the EU structure as a multilevel governance has prompted a growing interest from lobbyists to European arena, which has also led to increased research regarding this issue. Lobbying is at the same time a controversial topic to the extend that there is still a debate about the role it plays but also about it’s impact on EU democracy. Given these facts, this paper seeks to explain and clarify them, emphasizing the positive impact of lobbying on EU democracy.
Keywords: Lobby, democracy, European Union, influence, public affairs management