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The Centre for European Studies (CES) is a teaching and academic research structure within the Department of International Relations and European Integration (DIREI) of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA).

CES promotes education and professional training in the European Studies and International Relations field, contributing with its research projects, analysis and evaluations to a better understanding of the functioning and evolution of the processes and dynamics of world politics. CES supports in-depth innovative investigations of the European and international polity, politics and policies, stimulating debate and facilitating academic networking of scholars interested in these topics. The expertise, skills and dedication of its members and volunteers contribute to achieving the organization’s objectives.

Although the Centre’s work is supported in part from the institutional budget and through different research grants, any help offered by third parties/external contributors/benefactors is most welcome and appreciated. Anyone interested in offering its support, be it financial or volunteering, is invited to follow the specifics below:

For financial support:

Transfer to bank account:

  1. a) 2% of personal income | form hereCerereAnaf 
  2. b) 1% of turnover or 10% of the profit as sponsorship from legal entities
  3. c) different donations.
For more details, please write us at
For volunteering support:
For more details please visit the Internship section