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Oana – Andreea ION

This volume contains the academic contributions elaborated and presented by researchers who participated at the conference Research methods for analysing governance networks. Using academic research in the policy-making process organized between the 27th of May and the 1st of June 2013 in Bucharest, Romania, by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration through the Department of International Relations and European Studies and the Centre for European Studies.

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The Need of an Interdisciplinary Research Methodology in Evaluating the Corporate Governance in the State-Owned Enterprises in Romania

The present paper aims at highlighting the opportunity of applying the principles of corporate governance of state enterprises. Considering the state of the research field and management created around corporate governance, two theoretical and methodological components are concerned: (i) a brief analysis of the literature that assesses the importance of corporate governance; (ii) setting a methodology for configuring an interdisciplinary governance index at the level of corporate enterprises controlled by the state. In general, concerns for the construction of such an index have been concentrated in private companies, listed on the stock exchange. Building an index by which to be evaluated for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) corporate governance is not only a theoretical challenge, but also a practical one, knowing the size of the corporate sector in the former socialist states and its implications for the overall functioning of the economy.

Corporate governance, public sector, state owned-enterprises, governance index, interdisciplinary methodology.

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Governance Approach to Fisheries Policy
Daniela MARIA

One of the most important policies of the European Union that became separated from agricultural policy is the fisheries policy, developed to ensure the future of fishing industry as well as environmental protection. These are the main reasons I chose the subject; secondly, I’m interested in the way the policy is implemented in member states, related to governance approach.
The Romanian territory is characterized by the presence of many rivers, lakes and, of course, the Black Sea and the Danube Delta; all these elements represent a considerable amount of fish. To be applied in Romania, governance approach to fisheries policy requires a significant number of partnerships at national, regional and local level, and also the existence of consultation with other ministries, institutions, research institutes, associations, NGOs and other factors involved in governance.
The main conclusion of my paper is that fisheries management decisions have to be taken involving fishermen and stakeholders, and must take into account national particularities and specific features of this area. Even if governance theory and practice have their critics, I think it also brings many arguments that support the idea mentioned before and a well implemented policy through a set of governance parameters leads to a long-term balance and sustainable use of living aquatic resources.

Decisional cooperation; decision levels; accountability; sustainability fisheries policy; environmental policy.

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The Environmental Policy: a Governance Model?

The Environmental Policy was in its prime during the 1980s but after the 1990s, as several economic problems appeared, the countries did not have the strength to support this policy anymore. However the environmental issues still remain pressing due to the changes in society. Is there a governance model in the environmental policy? At first sight we would say it is due to the multiplicity of actors that shape the decisions at the European and national level that we can observe a governance model but we will see if this conclusion overlaps with the result of the research. We insist first of all on the Drinking Water Directive and afterwards on the Water Framework Directive. .

Governance, multi-level governance, network governance, environmental policy, water framework directive, Romania, cooperation.

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Multi-Level and Network Governance in Romania. The Case of the European Energy Policy
Mădălina Maria PREDA

The working paper aims to detail the structure and practice of European governance in the energy field, by looking at evidence of multi-level governance in Romania’s policy sector. The study case explores to what extent are multi-level governance patterns applied in Romania by looking at the structural elements (vertical and horizontal distribution of the institutional actors’ responsibilities) and the regulatory style (hierarchical versus cooperative procedures). Previous research in Romania’s government patterns show high incidence of hierarchical procedures, rather than cooperative ones. However, after becoming a member of the European Union in 2007, Romania’s national structures acknowledged the advantages of a more governance-centred system of government. The paper deals with this change in focus and whether the European Energy Policy in Romania can be described as multi-level governance. In the end, the author proposes a series of suggestions for solving the most common governance issues in Romania’s Energy Policy by looking at the procedures implemented in other EU member states.

Multi-level governance, energy policy, renewable energy, European Union, Romania

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Governance Approach to European Transport Policy
Maria Mirabela STĂNICĂ

Transport is fundamental to every society and to every economy. That is why, in the European Union, many investments are focused on transport and infrastructure in order to generate jobs, to make work and travel easier for European citizens and to facilitate businesses.
By cooperating and working together at different EU levels of decision (European, national, regional, local, transnational), these objectives of transport policy will be achieved more easy and the policy output will be a legitimate one. For a better understanding of a Governance Approach to European Transport Policy, my essay will focus on a particular case – Danube Bridge II. In March 2000 an agreement was signed between Romania and Bulgaria to build a new bridge over Danube due to the intense and constantly increasing traffic between the border regions of the two countries. The new bridge is part of the Pan-European Transport Corridor IV and it will significantly shorten the distance between the Western and the South-Eastern Europe.
The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that different levels of decision were involved in building the second bridge over Danube and how did these levels cooperate.

Levels of decision, public/non-public actors, cooperation, network, governance.

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Creating a Linkage Between Academic Research and Policy-Making
Luiza Soare

There is a consensus in literature that the process of policy-making should be based on strong evidence in order to increase quality, credibility and relevance of a policy. Academic research is one of the most important contributors to the process of collecting, analyzing and providing data for stakeholders.
In this paper I analyze the relationship between research and the process of policy-making, in order to demonstrate that the latter will benefit from academic research. For this purpose, I will divide my analysis in four chapters as following: the first one will contain a short history about the moment when this problem was first brought into question and arguments about the importance of the research for policy-making process, along with the clarification of the main terms that I will use in my analysis.
The second chapter will be dedicated to the main problems that both policy-makers and academic researchers faced when it comes to work together in the decision making process. In describing these constrains I will use a politician perspective as well as a researcher one.
In my third chapter I emphasize some recommendations and actions that can be implemented in order to surmount the limits, and in the final chapter I will try to provide a vision upon the case of Romania and the relationship between academic research and policy-making in our country.

Public policy, evidence-based policy-making, decision-makers, academic research, communication, culture.

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Book Review

Daniel BIRO (coord.). 2013. Relaţiile internaţionale contemporane: teme centrale în politica mondială (Contemporary International Relations: Core Themes in World Politics). Iaşi: Polirom, 336 p.

Alexandru VOICU

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