EUROPOLITY. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE is a biannual peer reviewed open access (please see here the definition of open access publishing) international academic journal published under the aegis of the Department of International Relations and European Integration of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, through the Centre of European Studies (CES). Designed in 2007, it was primarily addressed to young researchers, giving them the opportunity to publish academic papers and opinion articles on topics related to European Union study. Nowadays, edited by CES, Europolity is mainly oriented towards multi-disciplinary scholarly work in European Studies, supporting therefore relevant theoretical, methodological and empirical analyses connected to this field and coming from EU Studies or International Relations, but also from International (Political) Economy, Law, Sociological Studies, Cultural Studies, etc. Journal articles and book reviews are therefore dedicated to in-depth innovative investigations of the European polity, politics and policies, stimulating debate and facilitating academic networking of scholars interested in these topics.
In general, each issue of the journal is based on a specific theme where contributions are expected following a call-for-papers process. However, taking into consideration the specific characteristics of each issue, Europolity can also publish other articles from the field, if they are submitted to the editors and if they follow the peer-review process.