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Objectives: research, teaching, think-tank

The project’s aim is to develop border management trainings for frontier workers from Romania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Throughout the three year duration of the project, the action will focus on:

  • Increasing and improving the knowledge level regarding EU border aspects through specific research activities whose results will be published in order to reach maximum visibility;
  • Increasing the border management at the EU Eastern border by developing content and tools on this EU subject and by implementing quality of professional trainings in this area;
  • Think Tank actions. Creating a knowledge community regarding border management by enhancing debates and sharing good practices about EU border management activities between different categories of stakeholders – academia, civil servants (frontier workers), policy-makers, civil society, etc. – concerning UE activities on border management.

Teaching results:

During the three year duration of the project, 181 certified professionals and students working/studying in the fields connected to frontier/border management have been trained in subjects such as the functioning of the EU’s institutions and decision-making process, the geopolitics of Central and Eastern Europe, evaluating the cross-border cooperation, the EU’s CFSP or the insights of the Horizon 2020 programme.

The training activity was designed to cover a target group of 36 people/year or a total of 108; however, the courses were highly appreciated which prompted the state institutions and agencies that the implementation team cooperated with to send more people for the training. also each student received each course’s updated syllabus with all the necessary information both in English and in Romanian.

Last, but not least, they also received the power point presentation, when available, for the aforementioned courses. At the end of the training period, the participants received an individual attendance certificate. 

Research results:

⇒”THE CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION BETWEEN ROMANIA AND UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EASTERN PARTNERSHIP (EPP) AND ASSOCIATION AGREEMENTS” belongs to Professor Mircea Brie. This article aims to analyze the European Neighbourhood Policy for the Eastern Border, focusing specifically on neighbourhood relations developed with Ukraine.

Acces at: 

⇒The second article titled “GEOPOLITICS AT THE EASTERN BORDERS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION: EASTERN EUROPE BETWEEN EU AND RUSSIA” belongs to Professor Dacian Duna which presents a comparative analysis of the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood policies in the pre-accession and post-accession period. In other words, the author aims to analyse the extent to which a new Russian geopolitical renaissance can influence EU policies in its Eastern neighbourhood.

Acces at: 

⇒There is also a third incoming article by George Anglițoiu, titled “PUTINIZATION VERSUS NEO-CONTAINMENT”, which will be published in the December edition of the academic article Europolity. 

Think Tank Results:

The database provides information on EU legislation regarding border management. At the same, information regarding the national legislation from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Romania on the specific aforementioned subject is available. Moreover, we provide reports, analyses and academic articles regarding border management in the region.

The database is available at: